About me

Journeys  –  Experiences  –  Opinions  –  Memories

I started as a shy and sensitive but bold farm boy with plans to experience the world, at least my part of it. I am still quite shy though many would laugh to think that. I am still bold which has at times led to embarrassing situations.  I am still overly sensitive which I try my best to hide. But I do have the worlds best partner in ‘crime’ to keep me in line.

I don’t like being stationary. I started my journey traveling when ever I could. I have been through pretty much all the US states except Alaska and have lived in 7 of them. I have been in both east and west Canada. I have been through western Europe, United Kingdom, and Ireland, a couple times. I traveled in some areas of the Mediterranean. I have spent time in Central America, a smidgen of South America, and enjoyed some time in Mexico. I hope I am just getting warmed up.

For the longest time I only really felt at home at the beach. We both love the warm beach and that is where we forever hope to come back to and hope to continue to call home until the end. Even when we travel our favorite places seem to be at or near the water…warm water.

This blog site is a collection of some of our journeys, experiences, memories, and of course my opinion which I give freely. I love to share all these things with everybody but in the end I do this for me. As memories and mental capacities fade it will be nice to have around to remind me of the great life I am so blessed and privileged to share with my most amazing girl friend, yes Denise.

4 thoughts on “About me

  1. Yes, I can see the shy part but I had no idea you were sensitive! Good to know! Yes, you have your perfect partner!! She’s beautiful, too.

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