Almost to the day, 3 years ago, I wrote my last blog that was to end all blogs. Mostly I was writing to myself. People put their thoughts to paper for many different reasons. We always have internal struggles we wrestle with. I think I chose to write to try and understand and deal with some of these internal demons. For some reason I had the urge to try again.
Today is 9/11. Quite the anniversary. I hear many people recalling exactly where they were on this day at that time. They then remember where they were when Kennedy was shot, etc, etc.. We seem to remember tragedies vividly but how often do we vividly remember good/great things – weddings, births, promotions, anniversaries. I think you get the point. Well I want to emphasize that now is a great day to remember. Not because of 9/11. We are on the verge of and witnessing a great event. One most of us never thought we would see in our life times without maybe a nuclear war. Think I am crazy? Did the demons win? What the hell is this event?
We are on the verge of and witnessing PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST! How many of us ever thought that was possible or would be seen without nukes? What am I talking about? Well Israel and UAE have agreed to recognition, normalization, and peace. Today the Kingdom of Bahrain has joined them. All 3 will sign peace agreements on Sept 15th at the White House. This is just the beginning. Qatar and Saudi Arabia will follow very shortly among others. Lastly Iran and the Palestinians will follow suit by the end of 2020. The 4th quarter of 2020 is EXTREMELY historical and we should all look back on its anniversary and remember where we were for such a great event.
Did you ever think you would see this in your lifetime? Without an all out war to end wars? I know many of the young folks don’t have a clue about this. They have not learned our history or world history. This is really amazing if you think about it. 2020 will bring Middle East peace, the US will for the most part be out of the 20 year Afghan war, and almost entirely our of Syria and Iraq without ever stepping foot in Iran. 2020 will end as an AMAZING year for the world. So take time to ponder on the good things happening in the world even as our news tries to make us think the world is ending.
Some of you know that we lost my mom 12/2019. I miss her. I miss a call every once in a while. I miss a visit periodically. But I know she was happy and I know I will see her again much sooner than anyone thinks because how much time do we really have left? I believe a parent’s pride swells when they know their children are living an independent life pursuing their own excitement, adventures, and experiences. I hope to think she was/is proud.
I thought I would share something I wrote in August 2017 called “What if we knew.”
What if we knew, we only had 1 year, 3 years, 5 years left? Who would we spend it with? What if we knew? What would we change? Would we live for our heart or live for what we felt obligated to others for? Who would we be standing next to? Who would we spend it with? What if we knew? That no matter what, grown children, parents, sisters and brothers will love us and each other regardless of where everyone is and we will see them again very soon in eternity. What if we knew? Our life only has one shot, for mystery, excitement, adventure, experiences. When it is over, it is over, we can’t do it over. Then you join family in the after life. Who would we spend it with? What if we knew? Things are not happiness. More is not better. Mystery, excitement, adventure, experiences are best not found in a store or on line. What do we want to experience? Where do we want to go? What do we want to see? Why are we waiting - 1-3-5 left? What if we knew? The most important things to have in life are what we can carry through St. Peter’s gate. The best gift I receive is not a thing, but to know I am genuinely desired, needed, and admired, for me as I am and not any stuff. Who would we spend it with? What if we knew? For me, I do not want things. I want, no need, mystery, excitement, adventure, experiences because I may only have 1 year, 3 years, 5 years left or at least I need to live as if I only do. Who do I want to spend it with? What if we knew? You can make me know that you want and desire to be right beside me along the way as I do you. We can share and create excitement by actively planing mystery, excitement, adventure, and experiences together. We need to hurry as time is short. What if we knew? And if we are chosen to be so lucky maybe we can cross through the gates together with nothing but the shirts on our backs and the experiences in our hearts. If not, at least we will always be looking forward and never back saying 'if only'. And we will have many heavenly stories to tell and share as we are heading towards that final destination as if we knew.
Finally a couple pictures and captions:

Nice to hear you are doing well. And your liver hasn’t totally rebelled against you.
Very impressive, you should have that published. And yes mom and dad would be very proud of you, I know I am. BUT, you forgot the most exciting thing you can did in these past couple years,,,walking me down the aisle to marry your favorite brother in law. Love you both. See ya in a month or 2.
Enjoyed reading your post once again. Seriously, you should consider a writing career!!
As usual a great read, so good to hear from you and the two of you look younger every day! Vic
Glad to hear you’re well, give Denise a hug for us and do hope a visit to Jupiter is in the cards. (Yes, Jupiter, FL) Chris & Kari