Panama: Dangerous, Drugs, Third World, Slums….Home.

This was writine on 8/14/2015 before we left Panama. I never published it. I have reviewed it and updated it and wanted to put it out there for what ever it is worth.

We probably could fund our living expenses here in Panama if we had a dollar for every time someone has said/thought ‘how can you possibly travel to or even live in Panama’. We know this is from a lack of knowledge people have about Panama and also the bigoted perception that people have in the States about how everything in the USA being better or safer or cleaner or newer……

So what is it really like in Panama, why Panama? First of all we didn’t just get an itch one day and board a plane out of the country. We researched for over a year about different places we would like to go for some adventure and a warm sunny beach. Panama does have its pluses and minuses and these will be different for every individual as we all have different likes and dislikes, tolerances, and prejudices.

Isn’t Panama dangerous? First of all let me say Panama has various regions even for a place the size of S. Carolina. Our research has told us that there are places you probably want to avoid. Sound familiar?One of the areas seem to be Colon. Colon is the city on the Caribean side of the Canal. It was once a pretty nice place but over the years it had begun be neglected, folks moved out, and low life have moved in. Can you say Detroit, Chicago, for that matter areas of most any city in the USA? The government is starting a revitalization program to help bring Colon back to the once grand colonial city it was in the past. OK so we weren’t looking to go to Colon or Detroit, or Chicago…. The east end of country of Panama borders with the country of Columbia (Dorian Gap). This area is mostly jungles, forests, mountainous and pretty remote unless you really really wanted to get there. Our research tells us this is another area that we ‘expats’ if not regular Panamanians also might want to avoid. Yes there are groups operating in those areas that are probably growing/manufacturing drugs, smuggling, resisting the government (mostly of Columbia). So I guess that is off our list also. Other than that, the extent of being ‘dangerous’ may be attributed to the traffic. Aggressive driving is an understatement. We have also heard of some break-ins/robberies. Crime of opportunity. Guess what, don’t leave things visible in your car, don’t flaunt your cash and jewelry, be aware of your surroundings, have a dog if you feel uncomfortable or maybe a security camera. Hmm…I bet this is the same advise any cop in the USA would give anyone anywhere. Heck even in our peaceful neighborhood back in the Seattle area, with 24 hour patrolling security, had some guy get released from jail and come and brutally murder his grandparents – dangerous, drugs? Who knows but we still felt quite safe.

Drugs in Panama? Sure there are. They are everywhere. Heck Pot is now legal in places in the USA. I am sure if we wanted drugs we could find them. We have not seen or experienced any drugs since we have been here. On the coast of Florida is a Tiki Bar called the Square Grouper. Square Groupers are what the Navy and DEA call the floating bales of drugs they find floating in US waters off the coast of Florida. We have not seen or heard of any drug lords battling out for territory with the government or mass murdering innocent people. Come on this is Panama, not Mexico, Texas, or Arizona!

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